I joined a group of riders that ride every weekend for short day trips and loving it . This is not a club but just a group of guys and gals that love to ride.
I might not have found this group of it had not been for a great guy named Scott ( AKA Farmer ) who texted my after seeing one of my post on Facebook and invited me to go riding with them . Since then we have had so great rides with lots more to come. Here are some pictures from some of our rides over the summer.
We still have some good rides lined up and depending on the weather this winter will still ride as much as possible so check back will be postonh pictures as much as possible and going to try for some ride videos soon.
We are really forward to a trip we have planned this spring with my son in law. Planning a motorcycle camping trip to ride down Skyline Drive VA . Not sure as of now how many days we are going to stay but should be interesting first time I have stayed in a tent in years.
Guess that's about it for now going on a ride this weekend so will post pictures of the ride.