Well the big day is almost here, Gwen goes in for her surgery on Monday Dec 17. She will have to start her prep tomorrow. We both are looking forward to having this behind us and we can get back to normal again. We still have not made a lot of travel plans because we are not sure at this point how long it will take for her to recover or be able to travel. We will be going somewhere South for a few months as soon as we can. We will keep everyone updated on here and both of our Facebook pages.
Gwen did get her wish to see some snow this winter, it was just a dusting and did not last but a day but a little snow is better than no snow I guess. Myself I would rather have 75 degrees and sun shine. We are making out good here at Janes Island State Park, having no problem with the cold weather. Got most of the work that we wanted to get done on the motor home. The only thing we still need to do is the battery upgrade, hoping to finish that up by spring.
Still making a few signs when I have time, this is one of the lastest one we did for a friend. We are still learning as we go. It seems that everyone wants this sign this is the 4th one I have made.
Gwen did get her wish to see some snow this winter, it was just a dusting and did not last but a day but a little snow is better than no snow I guess. Myself I would rather have 75 degrees and sun shine. We are making out good here at Janes Island State Park, having no problem with the cold weather. Got most of the work that we wanted to get done on the motor home. The only thing we still need to do is the battery upgrade, hoping to finish that up by spring.
We are still Camp Hosting here at Janes Island State Park . Will be here until Gwen is able to travel, until then there are some project that need to be done hoping to stay busy while Gwen is in recovery so that the time will go by faster.