
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Summer Almost Over

It is hard to believe that summer is almost over. We are getting ready for the last big weekend of the season here at Janes Island State Park. The campground is booked solid so we are going to have a very busy weekend. We are glad that Jeff and Maria ( Camp Host ) came in a little early and can give us a hand. We love camp hosting here at Janes Island State Park , the staff are great to work with and this is one of the nicest State Park in Maryland. I guess that is why the local call it the best kept secret in Maryland. They still have a few more events coming up before the season is over one of them is Coastal Clean Up Day. They have had a good volunteer turn out in the pass years for this event and is a great way to give back to the park service.

SAM_1097 The kids always seem to have the best time and they seen to enjoy the boat ride out to the beaches around  the park where they will be helping to pick up trash the has been left behind or that has just washed ashore. You would believe how much trash that is picked in a few short hours by the kids and volunteers. must of the time it is a farm wagon full of all kinds of thing. At the end of the event everyone that help is give a nice free t shirt for helping out. This event is held a lot of different parks so if you see one in your area you might want to give it a try. Will try to get so pictures of this year event and post them at a later date.


Planning Time Again

It is time to start planning our trip South for the winter this year. We will be doing the same as last year taking our time going to Texas and staying at a few different parks along the way. Of course we will be spending some time at Big Meadows on Skyline Drive in Va. this is one of our favorite places to camp and visit. Gwen loves riding up and down the drive looking for Black Bears. We have been lucky enough to see a lot of them over the years. From Big Meadows our next planned stop is going to be the Smoky Mountains. We have been there before years ago so though it would be nice to spent a few days and do a little sightseeing. From there we have not made to many plans as to where we want to stop or camp for a few nights. We have planned our route for the trip and will be going by way of Tennessee and Arkansas on the way to Texas. After hearing about all the flooding down south thought it might be better to stay away from the Gulf Coast Sates this year.  I10 is bad enough when it is not flooded. We have traveled that route a few time and it was rough and a lot of pot holes. When we get to Texas we will be camp hosting at Lake Corpus Christi State Park for the months of November and December. We also have a good friend that is moving to Texas so we are looking forward to hanging out with them while we are in the area. Then from there we will either be at Padre Island National Seashore or Fort Parker State Park for the months of January and February and possibly March. After that we will be taken it one day at a time. We still have some planning to do trying to decide how long we want to take to get to Texas and where to stay and for how long along the way. We still have plenty of time we are not leaving Janes Island State Park until the middle of October.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Looking Back

Having some free time on my hands I decided to go through some of the pictures on the computer and clean things up little. Though that I would post some of our favorite pictures from over years of camping. We have had all types of campers over the years and have had a great time in all of them. It would be hard to say the one we liked to most. The best part is all the good friends we have made over the years and still keep touch with.

Truck Camping

We had 3 truck camper over the years and loved this type of camping. It was easy to just pack up and go. One of our favorite places was camping at the Bull Pen on Assateague Island National SeaShore in Maryland. We had some great time there. The first truck camper was a 8 foot pop-up.

Our 2nd truck camper was a 9 1/2 foot hard sided camper. I could not find any pictures of the last truck camper , guess I some how deleted them. 

We had a lot of good time camping on the beach, great cook outs and lots of parties. This is where we made a lot of good friend and spent a lot of time laying in the sun.

Our Pull Behind

After the truck campers we decided to try a pull behind, a 33 foot was one side out. We did a lot of mountain camping with this camper and spent a lot of time in the Skyline Drive VA. area. This is one of our most favorite places to go camping and will be going there again this coming Oct. We like spending time on the drive looking for bears and have seem many over the years.

Bears we have seen 

Mountain Views

Our favorite sunsets

We have a lot more but don't have time to add them all it is getting late and I need to get some sleep. I will be adding more as time allows at a later date.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Dog days of summer

It has been in the 90 here for over a week with no rain in sight. I am done with summer might have to rethink our plans for next summer and go some places a little cooler in August.  We can not remember it being that hot before. And now we are hearing that I 10 is damaged because of all the flooding down in the South.. May have to look at a different route to Texas in October when we head South for the winter.. But for now cranking up the AC and staying inside.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Lost Post update

After two days of working on the Blog it seems that a lot of my older post are gone far good. Have not been able to fix the problem. Guess it time to just move on and keep on with new post of our travels. Will not be long and we will be headed South for the winter so will be updating the Blog as often as possible. See you on the road.

Lost Pictures

For some reason Blogger has dropped a lot of my pictures for my older post for 2015 and earlier. Seems that it some how lost a lost of my 2015, 2014, 2013 and all my earlier post.  I am working on trying to get them back but have not had any luck so far. Hoping I can fix it soon. This is the part I hate about posting a web site ( ugh ).

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Summer Half Over Already

Assateague Island National Sea Shore

Our summer here on the Eastern shore of Maryland is half over already, Where has the time gone? We had a great time while we where at Assateague Island National Sea Shore. Met up with some old friends and also made some new one. That's the best part of traveling full time is getting to meet new people and making new friends. The weather was great although it did start to get a little hot the last week we where there. It was good  seeing all the great staff, They are some of the nicest people you could meet.

The ponies on Assateague seemed to be a little more active this year and there was a lot of fighting over females in the herds. Also saw a couple of new Foals this year. Loved seeing the ponies hanging around the camp sites . A lot of time they where trying the steal someones dinner. It can happen if you leave food out. We have seen a lot of tents and screen houses broken into by the ponies.

Janes Island State Park

As everyone knows Janes Island State Park is one of our favorite camp grounds. We have a lot of good friends here and our kids and grand kids are not far away. We like it here because the fishing is great and lots of seafood to be had. With the miles of water trails and the beach on the island it is paradise for anyone wanting to do a little Kayaking and Canoeing. Most of all the sunsets are beautiful.

Again we are making plans for winter and planning our route to Texas. We will be hosting at Lake Corpus Christi State  Park again this year and 2 others to be named later. Like last year we will be making a few overnight stays along the way. In the mean time I have a lot of things I would like to do to the 5th wheel before we hit the road, One of the biggest is to wash and wax the whole rig ( no little task ). We are looking forward to spending so time in little cooler weather. 


We now have a good Internet source again so we will try to do a little better job of updating the site a little more often. Most of the time campground WiFi sucks. We have found a few new devices that seems to work to boost WiFi signals and will post a update on them later. But for now we have to close.